Returned 8 result(s) for "Falernum Syrup"; page 1 of 1.
A Donn Beach tiki cocktail design out of World War II, "3 dots and a dash" signifies V for Victory in morse code. The letter V in morse code is ...- and this cocktail's garnish represents the three dots and the dash
Distinct clove-forward flavor, allspice with a nice bite of sour lime and a finishing of warm rum and Martinique funkiness.
This herbal cocktail feels and tastes like a prohibition style drink but we feel it probably was invented many years later. We couldn't find any good history for it.
Herbal flavors of eucalyptus, fennel, a bit of citrus that's not too alcohol-forward; not too unlike a sweeter sazerac.
A 1950s recipe from Bali Ha'i At The Beach in New Orleans
The Krakatoa is no doubt some old tiki drink modified over the years, this cocktail is similar to one we've seen published by Jeff Berry, but without actual coffee included (circa 1960)
Coffee notes right up front, citrus to follow with mingling clove; a tropical coffee beverage with interesting flavors.
Pronounced "wah-hock-en" Dead, this cocktail is a play on words from the comic book / tv series and has a great use of Mezcal
Smokey Sweet Candy (aka "nana candy"); easy to drink, slightly unique flavor profile that's hard to pickup. Great smoky profile and sweeter flavors.
This spicy cocktail was designed by Grant Wheeler, The Garret, NYC after we taste tested different options we opted for Boy Drinks World Serrano Cocktail Spice for its depth of flavor.
A smokey start with a mild bitter and good spice finish.
A 1941 Don The Beachcomber cocktail recipe that represents the perfect image of tiki
Mild sour, light on sweet, funky jamaican rum forward flavor
Designed by Don The Beachcomber circa 1934. This was found by Jeff Berry in one of Don's waiters notebooks from 1937 by the name of Dick Santiago says Jeff Berry in REMIXED. The recipe was marked "old."
Potent explosion of rum, grapefruit, spices, molasses and muted dry anise finish.
Hudson & Lee Honey Mix