Hot Toddy


Hot Toddy - The hot toddy is as hold as home remedies and does not come in a true formal recipe, however most recipes over the last 100 years do suggest a whiskey, lemon and usually a honey or sweetener to help aid a sore throat.
How To Make The Hot Toddy
Prepare your mug by adding additional boiling water to your mug to warm it up quickly. Once warm/hot empty your mug and add lemon juice, honey bourbon (or regular bourbon) and top with hot water.
To prepare a studded lemon peel, cut your peel and poke 3 whole cloves through the peel and add it to your drink. Add a cinnamon stick and serve.
If you do not have honey bourbon we suggest your favorite bourbon and, if you desire honey, add a bar spoon of honey to your finished drink and stir (helps to remove it from the spoon as well).
To prepare a studded lemon peel, cut your peel and poke 3 whole cloves through the peel and add it to your drink. Add a cinnamon stick and serve.
If you do not have honey bourbon we suggest your favorite bourbon and, if you desire honey, add a bar spoon of honey to your finished drink and stir (helps to remove it from the spoon as well).
Studded Lemon Peel and Cinnamon Stick
Tasting Notes
Warm citrus, alcohol (especially from the hot fumes) and honey, just as one would expect.
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